Implementation To achieve our intent, we have chosen to implement the Purple Mash Computing Scheme of Work from Year 1 to Year 6. The scheme of work supports our teachers in delivering fun and engaging lessons which help to raise standards and allow all pupils to achieve their full potential in the different areas of computing. Through regular reviews, we are confident that the scheme of work covers all expected aspects of the Computing curriculum and develops our children’s knowledge and understanding of technology in the wider world. The Scheme of Work provides immense flexibility, strong cross-curricular links and provides excellent supporting material for less confident teachers. Pupils have access to a range of hardware including laptops, Chromebooks, iPads and programable devices, and software such as Purple Mash, Education City, TT Rock Stars and Read Theory, thus ensuring that they can apply computational thinking to a variety of devices and systems. Pupils are encouraged to use computational thinking across all subjects, in the form of problem solving, logical planning and reasoning, and, throughout the year, famous computer scientists are celebrated through assemblies and projects. The scientists include Tim Berners-Lee, Ada Lovelace and Bill Gates. These are used to inspire our children to set their life aspirations high and motivate learning.
Curriculum Planning Overview |
Carr Green Lane, Brighouse, West Yorkshire HD6 3LT
01484 715969