Contact Details
Postal Address
Carr Green Primary School
Carr Green Lane
Tel: 01484 715969
Headteacher: Emma Midgley
Deputy Headteacher: Rebecca Moran
Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo): Rebecca Moran
Pastoral Manager: Lesley Wall
Chair of the Governing Board: Katie Hargreaves (contact via the Clerk to Governors (Deborah Tynan) on the school number or any correspondence can be sent c/o of the school address)
Office Team: please contact the office on the above number for any general queries who will be happy to help you:
Philippa Hutchinson - Office Manager
Naomi Robinson - Administrator
Disabled Access Information
Our school is a split-level building with the majority of areas all on one level.
We have level or ramped access to all areas and a wheelchair lift enabling movement between floors should it be required.
The main entrance is ‘step-free’ with a low level intercom facility available when requesting permission to enter school.
There are two designated disabled parking bays in the lower area of the car park.
Please feel free to contact the school office on 01484 715969 if you have any further queries relating to disabled access to our school.
Like most schools parking around the school site can be a problem. Our neighbours are generally patient and supportive and therefore we ask that everyone parks considerately. The school car park is for staff and visitors only and those who have a permit (available from the school office) and the speed limit in the car park is 5mph. The car park should not be used for drop off and collection to the breakfast or after school club. The parking spaces situated outside the tennis club next door are private parking spaces for the club.
Carr Green Lane, Brighouse, West Yorkshire HD6 3LT
01484 715969